Affirmations Week 11/30/2015



Hi FIP friends,

We all know that podcasts are entertaining and informative that is why we enjoy them so much! My selection of podcasts is so inspiring, they will help you reflect on your life and make great changes.

Find a list of affirmations I have written with the podcasts’ names and the episodes’ titles. Enjoy!

  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Ep: 259 Self-Mastery and Human Potential 15 min

 “I reassess myself so I can control what I want to bring in my life.”

  • Courageous Self-Confidence – Ep: 048 How to Learn to Love Yourself /Core Concepts 29 min

 “Every day I nurture my well-being and practice self-care because I love myself”

  • Morning Coach – What you focus on expands 17 min

“My energy multiplies when I am focused, organised and resourceful”

  • PD’s Self-Improvement – Ep: 720 Before the moment 6 min

“I am impactful when I make decisions that challenge my comfort zone”

  • Motivate Yourself – Ep: 124: Emotional Contagion 17min

 “Every day I choose how I want to feel”

Be Blessed and Feel Inspired. ;D

The Podcasts Lover

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listen to.  Thanks.

They Droop in Your Brain and Wait!! NASTY!

I Am Optimistic

I have showed myself “naked” to the world on my last blog when admitting my depression.  It was hard, tough and painful. I felt naked, trapped and exposed. You don’t know how many times I tried to press the “Publish” button but couldn’t do it!! I was terrified. These negative thoughts were at the forefront of my brain doing their brilliant job as usual. Making me feel like crap! Right after clicking “Publish” I felt drained. I just stepped out of my office and went to chill in front of TV. I recovered quickly though because I had trained my mind to be positive after my so many setbacks. I am able to shift my mindset to positivity and optimism. Yep! Just like that. How I did I do that?

“Very simply.”

Acknowledging our home truths

We know that showing our utmost weaknesses when blogging or talking to a loved one is a double pain because we not only state in bold that we are weak but we feel these weaknesses deeply in our bones. We are presenting our all self, with no layers, utterly naked!!! And the worst part is the deep wounded feeling of not knowing how long we are going to be in that state.

The reason for that feeling is because we rarely do unveil ourselves to the point where we are true to ourselves. Here we have acknowledged our own difficulties and know that it has to be done for us to move on. Even though deep down we wish someone somewhere, a little voice would tell us to just cover up our home truths with jokes, sarcasm or distractions. Unfortunately there is no point in that because the feeling dissipates itself but never leaves.

The right way is to for one to expose our weaknesses and for two to realise that it is a process. And for three, we must ask ourselves the right questions, the questions that will make us cringe or sigh deeply.

1stquestion: What is wrong with me? This is too negative even though home truths do hurt as we say.  Selecting positive words when speaking to ourselves helps immensely.  It’s best as it encourages us to answer questions with more thoughtfulness: “What is blocking me?”

2nd question: “Why is it blocking me?” Acknowledging the reasons for each block is already a step forward in the recovery process.

3rd question: What can I do to unblock it??” The solution might not be evident in the first instance but after some soul searching or sleeping on it, the answer comes to us and THEN this is when you need all of the positivity left in you to resurface. Can you act on the solution you have found? Many of us, just crawl back to our initial state: let’s get dressed, put lots of layers and smother these weaknesses the best we can and forget about them. It’s just plainly too hard to cope with because it just feels like a smack on the face. SLAP! I know.

The reality is that the truth is too big to swallow. So why not take our time to digest it bit by bit? There is no rush.

4th question: There is no question 4. The next step is Action.yes-593833_1280

“Be proactive and sort that block out. Get rid of it!!”

The positive Phase

And now we enter another phase. The positive phase. When we enter that path we feel more capable to crunch that block. Why?? Because our mindset has shifted from these negative thoughts that were holding us down. Our positive mindset is in progress. It’s not completely positive far from that but it is in working progress and that’s fine. In fact our positive mind takes a while to grow but it is growing. Surely and steadily. Whereas negative thoughts are static. Yes! They reside in the comfort zone of our brain. In the floor, the walls, the ceiling. They are there and happy to stay there. No shift. Couch potato! They deepen the cracks to make themselves comfier inside our brains. They invite more negative thoughts to come along and have a couch potato party inside our mind. Yep. Now you understand why we have that constant negative chattering in our head!! Jeez! They are so difficult to get rid of,  so tough to be removed. Steer away from the Couch Potato party!

A complete change of mindset is necessary and it takes time to get rid of these negative thoughts all because they are creep! Yep, they creep and keep quiet for a while and at our most vulnerable hour,  BANG!! Jump right in our brain exposing a banner with a gooey negative message written in bold! And they go for the worst thought, the one that is the most difficult to extract. That’s why it is such a long process.

We do succeed in the end though.

“Perseverance, commitment, practice and patience are the keywords to success.”

A Positive mindset

The Bliss Party
Our Happy Thoughts Floating in Bliss

Our happy thoughts which are always in movement unless floating in bliss when we are content, forms our positive mindset. The more they manifest themselves to us the happier we feel. Consequently, our mind is open to all opportunities that come along our way and we are so excited that we don’t know which one to pick. We get full of ideas, we get excited, euphoric, incontrollable, invincible, ready to conquer the world! Ready to conquer our fears! Ready to be the best that we can be! And those feelings add other layers of happy thoughts exploding in our brain, becoming another party: The Bliss Party!

After all of that, it is impossible to deny that:

“A positive mindset only sees possibilities but a negative mindset sees problems.”

The solutions (See how positive that word is!! :D)

Feelings!! Yes as simple as that. Feel the emotion first.


“See everything you do as an achievement however small that is”.

  • We are having a stretch before getting up. Take 10 seconds. Breathe. And feel the emotion. Beautiful yawn-Happy.
  • We are having a shower with our favourite shower gel. Take 10 seconds. Breathe. And feel the emotion. Beautiful scent-Happy.
  • We made ourselves a healthy breakfast. Take 10 seconds. Breathe. And feel the emotion. Satisfied-Happy.

These are just examples where feelings that result from our actions will help us add more layers of positiveness and contribute to shift our mindset to a positive mode.

Let’s get started by celebrating our own achievements our way:

  • Write your instant achievements in a diary
  • record your instant achievements daily and then listen to them to reinforce your positive mindset
  • if you are an artist, draw the object, the action that will anchor positivity when looking at your drawings
  • list your instant achievements in a notebook

Just make sure these achievements are part of your daily routine, are small and achievable instantly, not in the next hour or end of the day.

“Immediate achievement, immediate recognition = immediate positive thoughts.”

Why do it that way?

Because we are littering our brain with positivity. Remember these negative thoughts have invaded our brain so much that we cannot see the flooring, the walls, the ceiling. We need space now. Someone has to go. Period. They are. Period. We, Positive Thoughts, have just arrived we cannot be leaving already!! These negative thoughts are not useful, they are a nuisance and pollute our brain. Simple. Oh yes,positive-725842_1920 we know that they will try to smother our positive thoughts, oh yes they will try to chase them out. And for that they will have to get their butt out of the cracks they have created in the first place!! Ah, ah! Remember that our positive thoughts are always in movement and right now if these negative thoughts are in survival mode, they will definitely move their butt to crush any positive thoughts in their way!!  But that is the beauty of it!! Hold on! Listen to that!!

“A negative thought away from its crack is a negative thought partially removed.”

How come?? Simple. All the negative thoughts can do is slump themselves in a spot and wait. However our positive thoughts are so smart and always in movement, they would have already spotted the negative thought spot and taken its place when being chased!  Yep. Easy isn’t it! That’s the way it works. That is why it is vital to litter our brain with instant positive thoughts.

The more the merrier. More positivity = less negativity. Little becomes big.

So bring it on!

“Let’s get these instant achievements done and our mind will be ever so grateful!!”

Your positive actions

We have understood how feelings and instant achievements can help us rays-516326_640 start shifting our mind. Listing your positive actions has a tremendous effect on your mindset and that’s great because that is the start of your process to a positive mindset. So go and practice. Be kind to yourself and be patient. Commit yourself to nothing but a positive mindset and persevere in your daily positive actions.

Do you know any other ways to record your instant achievements?

How did you manage to recover after exposing yourself?

What are your strategies for keeping a positive mindset?

Feel free to send me an email.

Be Blessed and Feel Inspired. ;D

Always xxx

The Podcasts Lover